, pub-6952411034055902, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Chronicle, U.S.A.: March 2013


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What is the point of voting Democrat: Entitlements may have to change - Ginger Gibson -

President Obama to Democrats: Entitlements may have to change - Ginger Gibson -
Both parties seem to have the same idea: F**k the poor, the elderly, the disabled, widow and orphan.
I hear them say through the media: We need to keep our money we make because we are the job creators and the tax payers. So no tax hike, no closing of loopholes. We have done enough for America, no more.
So, in the future we will be funding our lavish lifestyles by not paying taxes or next to nothing in tax. We should keep our money.
That is what I hear. I hear the wealthy in this country asking a poor person for a handout.
All of us would have more money if we paid no sales tax, no rent, no car note, no insurance etc.
These neo-conservative voices on the Hill sound like children at play. They give no thought to their actions and are greedy and selfish. They are not about to trade the trinkets they own for the lives of Americans. Harsh. I guess Sarah Palin was right and now comes the Death Panels.
Wow. Never saw it coming.
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