, pub-6952411034055902, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Chronicle, U.S.A.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ike's misery spreads

HOUSTON - Thousands of victims of Hurricane Ike settled in at shelters for what could be weeks, and others waited wearily in line for food, water, ice and gasoline Monday as it became increasingly clear the disaster along the Texas coast would be measured not by its death toll but by the misery it spread.
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Monday, September 15, 2008

Children Who Have Frequent Family Dinners Less Likely to Use Marijuana, Tobacco, and Drink Alcohol

September 22 Marks 8th Annual Family Day, CASA Launches New Tools to Help Celebrate

NEW YORK, Sept. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- From 2003 to 2008 research by The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University has consistently found that children who have frequent family dinners are less likely to use marijuana, tobacco and drink alcohol. CASA research reveals that compared to children who have frequent family dinners (five or more per week), children who have infrequent family dinners (less than three per week) are two and a half times likelier to have used marijuana and tobacco, and one and a half times likelier to have drunk alcohol.

Teens Who Have Used Substances
By Frequency of Family Dinners
(Average over 6 years: 2003-2008)

0-2 5-7
Dinners/Week Dinners/Week

Ever Used
Alcohol 48% 30%
Ever Used
Tobacco 29% 13%
Ever Used
Marijuana 27% 11%

Monday, September 22nd will mark CASA's eighth annual 'Family Day -- A Day to Eat Dinner with Your Children(TM)' celebration. Family Day is a national movement to inform parents that the parental engagement fostered during frequent family dinners is an effective tool to help keep America's children substance free and reminds parents that "Dinner Makes A Difference!" "If you asked me based on CASA's 16 years of intensive examination of substance abuse and addiction in our nation what's the most effective thing we can do to curb this scourge and protect our children, I would say parental engagement. And there is no more effective example of this than frequent family dinners," said Joseph A. Califano, Jr., CASA's chairman and president and former U.S. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. "Years of surveying teens have consistently shown that the more often they have dinner with their parents, the less likely they are to smoke, drink and use drugs."

"Hidden racism from voters" stand to undermine Obama campaign

According to this article, "hidden racism from voters " will be why the GOP will get an opportunity to finish raping this country. Is this the "American" way?Don't let it happen.

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Obama tells the truth about...

"The challenges facing our financial system today are more evidence that too many folks in Washington & on Wall St weren't minding the store... 8 yrs of policies that have shredded consumer protections, loosened oversight & regulation, & encouraged outsized bonuses to CEOs & brought us the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression!"

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Warning sounded on future of web

The internet needs a way to help people separate rumour from real science, says the creator of the World Wide Web.

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Friday, September 12, 2008

Whites lift McCain to slim lead over Obama in poll

An overwhelming advantage in experience and lopsided support from working-class and suburban whites have lifted Republican John McCain to a slender lead over Barack Obama less than two months from Election Day, a poll on the presidential race said Friday.

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Kanye out of jail

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Telegraph Barack Obama

Video - | Local News Hawaii