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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sen. Barack Obama speaks out on Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Today, I'm proud to add my voice in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For me, the fight against cancer is deeply personal. My mother died of ovarian cancer in the prime of her life. And at a time when she should have been focused on getting well, she was lying in a hospital bed arguing with her insurance company because they refused to cover her treatment.

For millions of Americans, my mother's story is all too familiar. That's why, as President, I will make the fight against cancer an urgent national priority by doubling federal cancer research funding. What's more, I'll enact health care reform that guarantees affordable coverage for every American who wants it, and we'll make sure that insurance companies can no longer discriminate against those who are sick and need care the most. Because screening saves lives, I'll require coverage of essential preventive services like mammograms in all federally supported health plans. And because breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among African-American women and Latinas, we'll come together to address the root causes of health disparities by promoting prevention, strengthening public health, and implementing patient navigation programs.

This year, more than 200,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Millions more will love someone who is. This month, as we rededicate ourselves to finding a cure, we must also dedicate ourselves to making sure that everyone who is diagnosed with cancer gets the care, treatment, and support they need. Now is the time to commit ourselves to waging a war against cancer as aggressive as the war cancer wages against us.

Sen. Barack Obama speaks out on Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Today, I join all Americans in observing Domestic Violence Awareness Month. At a time when one in four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime, it's more important than ever that we dedicate ourselves to working on behalf of the thousands of women who suffer in silence.

Too often, victims of domestic violence don't know where to turn, or have no one to turn to. And too often, a victim could be someone you love. That's why, as a State Senator, I led the fight in Illinois to pass one of the strongest employment protection laws in the nation, ensuring that victims of domestic violence could seek shelter or treatment without losing their jobs.That's why I introduced legislation in the U.S. Senate to provide $25 million a year to domestic violence prevention and victim support efforts. That's why I co-sponsored and helped reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act. And today, I am so proud to have Senator Joe Biden, the man who wrote that groundbreaking legislation that gave so many women a second chance at life, as my running mate in this campaign.

As President, I'll make these efforts a national priority. This month, and every month, we must fight to bring domestic violence out of the darkness of isolation and into the light of justice, especially for minority and immigrant women, and women in every community where it goes unreported far too often. We'll stop treating this as just a woman's issue, and start recognizing that when a woman is attacked, that abuse scars not only the victim, but her loved ones, sending currents of violence that ripple across our society. We need all hands on deck to address this – neighbors willing to report suspected crimes, families willing to help loved ones seek treatment, and community leaders willing to candidly discuss this issue in public and break the stigma that stops so many women from coming forward. Together, we'll make it clear that no woman ever struggles alone.

HuffPost's Real Time Election Trading Odds.

Trading Markets Swing to Obama! Bookmark this map! Updated hourly until election day.

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Obama Opens Up Big Leads In PA (+15), FL (+8), and OH (+8)

The latest polling from Quinnipac shows Barack Obama opening-up substantial leads in the swing states of Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. The polls also show Sarah Palin's net approval rating dropping 27, 19, and 16 points, respectively. Is the race finally slipping away from John McCain?

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Senate to vote on rescue plan Wednesday

The "bailout" (yes, bailout is in the title, not federal intervention) package adds new provisions - including raising the FDIC insurance cap. Democratic sources told CNN that they expect bipartisan support. The Senate plans to vote on the $700 billion bank rescue plan Wednesday evening - two days after the House failed to pass it.The bill adds new provisions - including raising the FDIC insurance cap from $100,000 to $250,000

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Can the African-American community put Barack Obama over the top?

Michelle Obama during an interview Tuesday on the Michael Baisden Show, said an increase of 2.5 percentage points could win Barack Obama the election.
She asked everyone to ask people they know if they are registered to vote--mom, dad, uncle and cousin.
Realizing it is sometimes harder to motivate your own family, Michelle asked us to think of ourselves as a community and not as an individual. She said don't let small differences hold us back. is an excellent way to find out if you are still registered to vote, how to vote early--which is promoted by the Obama campaign--and register or re-register to vote in your state, to put Barack over the top.
It is my suggestion that anyone who cares should take this and subsequent weekends, to volunteer at their local Barack Obama for President campaign office. It's not so bad! You meet new people and have a reason to walk around and talk to people in your community. You'll be surprised at what you learn and you'll be helping Barack win the election.
Let's turn Red states Blue, turn Blue states Bluer. Vote for Barack, vote for Change.

Nose cutting, face spiting, foot shooting: Obama's way is better House's failure to pass a $700 billion financial intervention bill Monday not only held back billions for Wall Street, but also was a major blow to Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign, according to a report by

It said McCain raised the stakes for himself when he suspended his campaign and raced off to Capital Hill with the bill ultimately failing--effectively shooting himself in the foot twice.
Equally as unhelpful is the idea that Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-San Fransisco) is to be blamed.
As pointed out by Presidential Candidate Barack Obama--who is seen as a stabilizing force voters can depend on during the turbulence created by the economy and McCain--Washington politics as usually is more likely the culprit.

Excerpts from Obama's campaign speech Tuesday in Nevada points out more of the truth.

"Over one trillion dollars of wealth was lost by the time the markets closed on Monday. And it was not just the wealth of a few CEOs or Wall Street executives. The 401Ks and retirement accounts that millions count on for their family’s future are now smaller. The state pension funds of teachers and government employees lost billions upon billions of dollars. Hardworking Americans who invested their nest egg to watch it grow are now watching it disappear.

But while the decline of the stock market is devastating, the consequences of the credit crisis that caused it will be even worse if we do not act and act immediately.

Because of the housing crisis, we are now in a very dangerous situation where financial institutions across this country are afraid to lend money. If all that meant was the failure of a few big banks on Wall Street, it would be one thing.

But that’s not what it means. What it means is that if we do not act, it will be harder for you to get a mortgage for your home or the loans you need to buy a car or send your children to college. What it means is that businesses won’t be able to get the loans they need to open new factories, or hire more workers, or make payroll for the workers they have. What it means is that thousands of businesses could close. Millions of jobs could be lost. A long and painful recession could follow.

Let me be perfectly clear. The fact that we are in this mess is an outrage. It’s an outrage because we did not get here by accident. This was not a normal part of the business cycle. This was not the actions of a few bad apples.

This financial crisis is a direct result of the greed and irresponsibility that has dominated Washington and Wall Street for years. It’s the result of speculators who gamed the system, regulators who looked the other way, and lobbyists who bought their way into our government. It’s the result of an economic philosophy that says we should give more and more to those with the most and hope that prosperity trickles down to everyone else; a philosophy that views even the most common-sense regulations as unwise and unnecessary. And this economic catastrophe is the final verdict on this failed philosophy – a philosophy that we cannot afford to continue."

Obama spoke to a crowd at University of Nevada, Reno laying out a point-by point plan on how he'd shore up America's economy and how House Resolution 3997 can help.

"All of us have a responsibility to solve this crisis. We'll punish the arsonist later but put the fire out for now," he said.
He was speaking to students at University of Nevada, Reno reminding them that what is done today by lawmakers can affect their future job market. However, intending to alleviate anxiety, he reminded them of America's resilience and recounted the improvements made to the bi-partisan bill, an example of his skills set.

Obama also said any profits from investing in mortgage backed securities will go to the taxpayer and to pay down the national debt. He said a fee structure will be instituted so that another rescue package will not be needed. He also pledged to modernize outdated financial regulations--a point he has been making since March.

"I spend most of my time in Washington being skeptical of this administration. Now is no different," he said.
But in spite of his skepticism, Obama spoke with President Bush Tuesday morning to discuss the economic bailout bill, according to CNN.
The two spoke about the need to push for a package that Congress can agree on.

Obama also raised his proposal to raise the amount of money the government insures in bank accounts from $100,000 to $250,000.
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