, pub-6952411034055902, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Chronicle, U.S.A.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Danita Johnson Hughes: Turnaround expert, speaker & author

Danita Johnson Hughes: Turnaround expert, speaker & author
"Among a classroom of 30 students, I could have easily been lost in the crowd. After all, every student had needs. I wasn’t that special. How could one teacher touch every child in a way that matters?"

Teachers are very special and wonderful people who help form our future.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

millions-of-american-taxpayers-make-money-off-federal-taxes: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

millions-of-american-taxpayers-make-money-off-federal-taxes: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
This person apparently does not know any middle class people. Look at how he degrades the middle and working class people.

"To some, they are low-income Americans benefiting from smart and targeted welfare run through the tax code. To others, they are unacceptable free riders, contributing net zero or worse to the federal government...the IRS as 'Sugar Daddy.'"

He is directing his "freeloading" comments to anyone who gets a tax refund. Can you believe this? Hardworking people, those who are under-employed, have to take a tongue lashing from this MF? Please. Go have a kid, then raise it instead of being selfish and too stupid and cheap to hire a CPA and get some tax shelters.
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Telegraph Barack Obama

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