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Monday, December 6, 2010

Police warn of rise in home break-ins :: Lake County :: Post-Tribune

Police warn of rise in home break-ins :: Lake County :: Post-Tribune
Indiana State grad and Gary Indiana police chief, Gary O. Carter, offers tips on staying burglar-free this Christmas season. He and
Det. Keith Richardson head up a special burglary task force that investigates and sometimes stop the often late-morning break-ins. Last week, a local high school student was arrested for attempting to break into a home in his neighborhood.
WHERE ARE THE TRUANT OFFICERS?! Make the students stay in class! Limit hall passes and out-of-classroom time for at-risk students. Explain to them that trust is earned, not automatic.
Parents, do not encourage your children to steal. Pay attention to them and what they do and say.

Here are some other holiday safety tips offered by Indiana State Police:

Holiday Shopping Safety Tips

The holiday shopping season is upon us with the busiest days yet to come. Many shoppers will begin their day in the darkness of the early morning hours and end in the late evening hours, leaving shoppers vulnerable at times to potential criminal activity. To protect yourself this holiday season, the Indiana State Police offer the following safety tips and reminders:
  • Stay alert and be aware of what's going on around you.
  • Park in a well-lit area and be sure to lock your car.
  • Use extra caution when walking to and from your car; walk with a friend.
  • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash; pay with a check or credit card whenever possible.
  • Deter pickpockets and purse-snatchers. Don't overburden yourself with packages. Be extra careful with purses and wallets. Carry a purse close to your body, not dangling by the straps. Put a rubber band around your wallet and place in the inside coat or front pants pocket.
  • Do not leave purses unattended in shopping carts.
  • Place gifts and other valuables in the trunk of your car.
  • Keep your car doors and windows locked at all times.
  • Make sure your car is good mechanical condition.
  • Carry a fully charged cell phone with you.
  • Shopping with kids? Teach them to go to a store clerk or security guard if they get separated.
  • If you notice suspicious activity, contact store security or the nearest police agency, especially if you notice person or persons loitering around your vehicle.
  • Remember, the most important tip is to know who and what is around you at all times. This includes driving to and from your shopping ventures.
Seniors, expectant mothers and vulnerable citizens should avoid shopping alone and late night. If you have to travel out-of-the way to a safer shopping district, then do so. Also, after gift shopping, take the packages home discreetly and then go out for lunch. Watchful eyes may be in the mall parking lot waiting for you to leave gifts unattended in a parked car at a restaurant. Don't be a superhero this Christmas, be alive--the best gift ever!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Target Trots Out $3 Appliances on Black Friday

Find out about $3 toasters and sandwich makers on Yahoo! Finance - Financially Fit .
Target is pulling out all of the stops as well as Walmart for deep, deep Black Friday discounts.
Black Friday is the the day after Thanksgiving and the official start of the holiday shopping season. It is a day when retailers hope to be in the black as far as their bottom line is concerned. It's a day when they hope to make a profit.
This is the perfect time to buy that flat panel television or that stand mixer.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Banneker Middle School Recycling Contest

The Green Team of Banneker Middle School is sponsoring a weekly recycling contest every Tuesday to promote emvironmental awarness and reduce the amount of materials being sent to the the landfill. We need your help. Please support our efforts by saving recyclable materials and bringing them to the Banneker school parking lot near the yellow and green recycle container.

First Tuesday of the month: Newspaper

Second Tuesday of the month: Aluminum cans, uncrushed

Third Tuesday of the month: Plastic Bottles (2 liter, pop and water bottles only.)

Fourth Tuesday of the month: Electronics and Batteries
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