, pub-6952411034055902, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Chronicle, U.S.A.


Thursday, October 14, 2021

I did it myself with #polygel nails


Buy the Modelones kit here. Save money, stay safe.😷
Also, use an electric nail file. I did. And, you might need gel polish. I ordered a Beetles nail kit. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Bringing Hope Home: Obama Presidential Center Groundbreaking Ceremony

Companies find workarounds for supply chain shortages

Thursday, August 26, 2021

John Lewis Voting Rights Act passed by US House of Representatives

 Get cashback with Rakuten

What I saw in Walmart: Pandemic related shortages

When I went to Walmart recently, these photos show what I saw. I was in shock. I am not used to Walmart shelves being empty. However, since many of their products are made and or shipped from Asia, and Asian ports are closed or closing, there will be delays and shortages. I saw several news stories about this issue and shortages are due to be expected in pandemic life.


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Telegraph Barack Obama

Video - | Local News Hawaii