President Obama to Democrats: Entitlements may have to change - Ginger Gibson -
Both parties seem to have the same idea: F**k the poor, the elderly, the disabled, widow and orphan.
I hear them say through the media: We need to keep our money we make because we are the job creators and the tax payers. So no tax hike, no closing of loopholes. We have done enough for America, no more.
So, in the future we will be funding our lavish lifestyles by not paying taxes or next to nothing in tax. We should keep our money.
That is what I hear. I hear the wealthy in this country asking a poor person for a handout.
All of us would have more money if we paid no sales tax, no rent, no car note, no insurance etc.
These neo-conservative voices on the Hill sound like children at play. They give no thought to their actions and are greedy and selfish. They are not about to trade the trinkets they own for the lives of Americans. Harsh. I guess Sarah Palin was right and now comes the Death Panels.
Wow. Never saw it coming.
News, views, editorials and opinions from around the globe. I am a news reporter, writer, photographer.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Pres. Obama's Early Education Plan for Children
Office of the Press Secretary
February 14, 2013
President Obama’s Plan for Early Education for all Americans
“In states that make it a priority to educate our youngest children…studies show students grow up more likely to read and do math at grade level, graduate high school, hold a job, form more stable families of their own. We know this works. So let’s do what works and make sure none of our children start the race of life already behind.”
In his State of the Union address, President Obama called on Congress to expand access to high-quality preschool to every child in America. As part of that effort, the President will propose a series of new investments that will establish a continuum of high-quality early learning for a child – beginning at birth and continuing to age 5. By doing so, the President would invest critical resources where we know the return on our dollar is the highest: in our youngest children.
· Providing High-Quality Preschool for Every Child: The President is proposing a new federal-state partnership to provide all low- and moderate-income four-year old children with high-quality preschool, while also expanding these programs to reach additional children from middle class families and incentivizing full-day kindergarten policies. This investment – financed through a cost-sharing model with states – will help close America’s school readiness gap and ensure that children have the chance to enter kindergarten ready for success.
· Growing the Supply of Effective Early Learning Opportunities for Young Children: To expand high-quality early learning opportunities in the years before preschool, the President will call for a significant investment in a new Early Head Start-Child Care partnership. Competitive grants will support communities that expand the availability of Early Head Start and child care providers that can meet the highest standards of quality for infants and toddlers, serving children from birth through age 3.
· Extending and Expanding Evidence-Based, Voluntary Home Visiting: Voluntary home visiting programs enable nurses, social workers, and other professionals to connect families to services and educational support that will improve a child’s health, development, and ability to learn. President Obama has already committed $1.5 billion to expand home visitation to hundreds of thousands of America’s most vulnerable children and families across all 50 states. The President will pursue substantial investments to expand these important programs to reach additional families in need.
The President’s Commitment to Early Education
High-quality early childhood education provides the foundation for all children’s success in school and helps to reduce achievement gaps. Despite the individual and economic benefits of early education, our nation has lagged in its commitment to ensuring the provision of high quality public preschool in our children’s earliest years. The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) estimates that the United States ranks 28th out of 38 countries for the share of four-year olds enrolled in early childhood education. And fewer than 3 in 10 four-year olds are enrolled in high-quality programs.
Preschool for All
· The President’s proposal will improve quality and expand access to preschool, through a cost sharing partnership with all 50 states, to extend federal funds to expand high-quality public preschool to reach all low- and moderate-income four-year olds from families at or below 200% of poverty. The U.S. Department of Education will allocate dollars to states based their share of four-year olds from low- and moderate-income families and funds would be distributed to local school districts and other partner providers to implement the program. The proposal would include an incentive for states to broaden participation in their public preschool program for additional middle-class families, which states may choose to reach and serve in a variety of ways, such as a sliding-scale arrangement.
· Funds will support states as they ensure that children are enrolled in high-quality programs. In order to access federal funding, states would be required to meet quality benchmarks that are linked to better outcomes for children, which include:
o State-level standards for early learning;
o Qualified teachers for all preschool classrooms; and
o A plan to implement comprehensive data and assessment systems.
Preschool programs across the states would meet common and consistent standards for quality across all programs, including:
o Well-trained teachers, who are paid comparably to K-12 staff;
o Small class sizes and low adult to child ratios;
o A rigorous curriculum;
o Comprehensive health and related services; and
o Effective evaluation and review of programs.
· The proposal also encourages states to expand the availability of full-day kindergarten. Only 6 out of 10 of America’s kindergarten students have access to a full day of learning. In order to ensure that our kindergartners spend the time they need in school to reach rigorous benchmarks and standards, funds under this program may also be used to expand full-day kindergarten once states have provided preschool education to low- and moderate-income four year-olds.
· Under the President’s proposal, investment in the federal Head Start program will continue to grow. The President’s plan will maintain and build on current Head Start investments, to support a greater share of infants, toddlers, and three-year olds in America’s Head Start centers, while state preschool settings will serve a greater share of four-year olds.
Quality Early Learning for Our Youngest Children
· The President will also launch a new Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership program, to support states and communities that expand the availability of Early Head Start and child care providers that can meet the highest standards of quality for infants and toddlers, serving children from birth through age 3. Funds will be awarded through Early Head Start on a competitive basis to enhance and support early learning settings; provide new, full-day, comprehensive services that meet the needs of working families; and prepare children for the transition into preschool. This strategy – combined with an expansion of publicly funded preschool education for four-year olds – will ensure a cohesive and well-aligned system of early learning for children from birth to age five.
· The President is proposing to expand the Administration’s evidence-based home visiting initiative, through which states are implementing voluntary programs that provide nurses, social workers, and other professionals to meet with at-risk families in their homes and connect them to assistance that impacts a child’s health, development, and ability to learn. These programs have been critical in improving maternal and child health outcomes in the early years, leaving long-lasting, positive impacts on parenting skills; children’s cognitive, language, and social-emotional development; and school readiness. This will help ensure that our most vulnerable Americans are on track from birth, and that later educational investments rest upon a strong foundation.
Building on Success
President Obama has committed to a comprehensive early learning agenda for America’s children that begins at birth and provides the support and services needed to set them on a path of success in school and in life:
· Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge: The Early Learning Challenge has rewarded 14 states that have agreed to raise the bar on the quality of their early childhood education programs, establish higher standards across programs and provide critical links with health, nutrition, mental health, and family support for our neediest children.
· Head Start and Early Head Start: President Obama has made historic investments in the Head Start and Early Head Start programs to reach an additional 61,000 children. Under the President’s leadership, enrollment in Early Head Start in particular has nearly doubled. The Obama Administration has also implemented needed reform in the Head Start program by identifying lower-performing grantees and ensuring that those failing to meet new, rigorous benchmarks face new competition for continued federal funding.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Dear God We Need Your Help
Dear God:
We need help.
I cannot believe that we as a nation of rational, thinking belivers still think that any type of gun control or regulation will turn the tide of violence that has engulfed our nation. I cannot believe we do not believe in you. I cannot believe that we will not pray together.
The Devil is kicking our asses. Satan is beating us like a pimp beats a hooker. Lucifer, the father of all lies, is tricking us into killing ourselves and we still won’t turn to God and pray. Instead we dry our tears pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and walk right back into Satan’s hateful arms, ready for another beating.
I don’t get it.
Plenty of people here in America and on this earth have some rememberence of their religious upbringing and understand what SPIRITUAL WAREFARE IS ABOUT. Those people need to step up and start talking about what they know--outside of church. In short, we all need to actually do what the Pastors and the Reverends and the Fathers have been telling us to do each Sunday. We have to do what Jesus said to do 2000 years ago. We must obey God, as our knees are bent and our tongues are confessing on every airwave, "God help us".
A cry to God is what I hear, in essence, coming from every news reader. It is what every reporter is reporting.
There are plenty of people who work in the mental health arena and understand what is broken with our system and what works. We need to start a conversation with those people and listen to what they say and then do what they say.
We cannot be a nation of rational beings and continue on this way. We are our brother's keeper, our sister's keeper whether we want to be or not. If we are not then we are neglectful in our duties. How can we count ourselves amongst the civilized groups of people we yearn to belong to and be socially accepted by but literally be civically neglectful? It won't work. It defies logic.
When we pray, en masse, God hears us. He said if the people who are called by my name would turn from their sin and pray, He will hear us and help us God will heal us if we ask, in other words.
We are a world of children - spiritual children - and it is due time we grew up. It is not just the politician who needs to do something. We the people need to do something as well. If we allow 20 angels to be murdered and do nothing, God help us all as we are spiritually dead. The spiritually dead are zombies.
Our belief in God has nothing to do with His existence. Our refusal to obey God has nothing to do with the strength of His Law or Rule. Like an impudent child, we will be chastised as an unchastised child is unloved. We are loved but hardheaded. We refuse to listen, to act in accordance to His Word or to wake up. We buy pins and buttons, we protest and march but we won't pray, seemingly.
The children are dead. They are the latest in a long, long list of martyrs who still cry out to God, “how long?”
Report what you see and hear. Help a family struggling with a mentally ill relative. Politicians need to on Monday, begin to unravel the red tape mess that is our mental health system. Disabled people and their families need and deserve our full attention.
Understand that a gun is not the problem. Guns would go unused and litter the streets like plastic grocery bags if no one used them. Even if every person in America each owned three guns, if they went unused, unloaded they would be meaningless.
People are the problem. People who buy and use guns for violence are the problem. Let us be our own keepers of self and help ourselves by attending to the people who buy and use guns for violence. Be damned the economy of the gun industry. Let's save some lives.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Air Pollutants - Diabetes and the Environment
Air Pollutants - Diabetes and the Environment Apparently, living in an industrialized area increases the risk of diabetes. Air pollution causes diabetes or enhances the chances of contracting the disease.
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