The Gary Police Department would like to issue a reminder in advance of New Year’s
Eve that celebratory gunfire is not only dangerous, but illegal.
“The Gary Police Department will increase patrols this holiday season, as every year,
so as to focus on traditional celebratory gun fire,” associated with New Year’s Eve, a released statement read.
The increased presence of manpower will result in a reduction of these instances and lead
to the arrest of those who disregard public safety in selfish furtherance of their own
into the air as part of the evening’s celebration.
Bullets fired straight into the air usually fall back and people can be injured, sometimes
Homes and buildings can be damaged as bullets often lodge in roofs, causing minor
damage that requires repair, in most cases. Normally, the bullet penetrates the roof
surface, travels through to the roof deck, and leaves a hole where water can run into
the building, causing a leak.
Celebratory gunfire is dangerous and can cost someone his or her life. Do not do it.
If you do, be advised that the Gary police will use all available resources to find and
prosecute you. Charges for discharging a firearm in the city range anywhere from a
misdemeanor to a felony, that can result in you being sentenced to years in prison.