, pub-6952411034055902, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Chronicle, U.S.A.: By the People: The Election of Barack Obama


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

By the People: The Election of Barack Obama

I watched them write the speeches, I heard them flesh out the words. I relived every moment of that magnanimous night–that time we as Americans made our voices heard. Then they flashed a photo of the 44th President of the United States: Barack Obama.

You must see, "By the People: The Election of Barack Obama." I will remind you of why you vote. I got my copy from Netflix–no late fees involved–however, I will purchase a copy to have permanently.

I never want to forget the campaign. I cried and relived every moment. We have to remember as a nation, as a supporter, as voters, who we voted for and why. Don't believe the spin on the nightly news. It is not always true.

I entered the campaign after the Iowa win. Up until that point, I thought Barack Obama would follow in the footsteps of the Rev. Jesse Jackson and rack up some votes and yet again prove a point but not win the presidency. I didn't know Barack Obama then and was prepared to vote for Hillary Clinton. At best, I would have voted for John Edwards. I just didn't know any better and that is so sad. Then, during my nightly routine, I saw him during the Iowa Caucus victory speech and then I believed.

I saw that he thought as I thought, he believed as I believed. He had my voice and he has carried it to the highest seat in our nation. He was me and so I voted for myself. I never in my life thought I would hear someone echo my thoughts about my country and society the way our president did as he campaigned. I was astonished but I knew if I voted for Barack, then I would be voting for myself. This DVD helped me relive all of that. Don't miss it! Get it today.

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