, pub-6952411034055902, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Chronicle, U.S.A.: Egypt in turmoil


Showing posts with label Egypt in turmoil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Egypt in turmoil. Show all posts

Friday, February 11, 2011

Editorial: Our Presidential Challenge

On Thursday, President Barack Obama put a challenge to the American People. He said Egypt is in an up rise. Their people have stood up, in the face of slight.

The unspoken question is, have we stood up, American People? Do we write our congressmen, en masse or hold public rallies? If we have done so, do we utilize social media appropriately to announce these societal challenges?

No, for the most part.

The people of Egypt appear to be a common-sense, old-world type of people. If you had a home to be in, wouldn't you be in it? They camp out because they no longer have a place to be. Their homes and families were intact but that is no longer true. Youth can't get jobs and start families. When their family structure is threatened--the people fight to stop it. Women are in a place where they mostly reproduce. They have a big generation of people now to force the issue and have voice.
But the main point is that many of them are homeless. They have no food or water. Many businesses are not open or don't have money to operate and their everyday way of life has been disrupted. The people there fight against this. They were relived temporarily when banks opened but then that apparently has stopped. If they were able to live their everyday life, I think that they would. Without basics like food and water, it becomes dire and impossible. Their whole country is in an uproar. The entire Egyptian class system is shaken. Pharaohs have ruled for thousands of years. The people fought for change and got change, it appears.
"But what is absolutely clear is that we are witnessing history unfold.  It’s a moment of transformation that’s taking place because the people of Egypt are calling for change.  And they’ve turned out in extraordinary numbers representing all ages and all walks of life, but it’s young people who’ve been at the forefront -- a new generation, your generation, who want their voices to be heard," Pres. Barack Obama said at the start of a speech delivered in Michigan Thursday afternoon, February 10.

I guess the American People handle things differently. If it doesn't show up in the news stream, we won't search for it, lest we be characterized and pointed out as a nut. Okay. (because we know those nuts are the only ones dumb enough to keep up and speak out--no regular people do this.)

Anyway anyone wanting to pay attention, speak up and stand out, please be advised to keep the reading level at sixth grade. Our communication purpose should be to inform, not to impress strangers with our verbal prowess.

Let us take a look at the meaning of the country, Egypt's, name: "home of the ka (soul) of Ptah", the name of a temple to the god Ptah at Memphis.

Ptah is Patron of: creation, craftsmen, artisans.

Appearance: A man with a punt beard, wrapped up like a mummy, but with his hands free which grip a great staff made up of the symbols for life, stability, and power. Sometimes he wears a skullcap crown and stands on the hieroglyph for Maat.

Is this why the mummies in the museums were attacked? Were they trying to wake up the gods?
I dunno.

Source: Tour Egypt
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