, pub-6952411034055902, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Chronicle, U.S.A.: Troubled times for actress, Lisa Raye

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Troubled times for actress, Lisa Raye

As found on, there is trouble in paradise with actress, Lisa Raye and her husband, Premier Michael Misick.

Check out these YouTube videos.

The vast majority of inhabitants of the Turks and Caicos Islands are black and Protestant Christian, according to

The official language of the islands is English and the population also speaks Turks and Caicos Islands Creole[9] which is similar to Bahamian Creole.[10]

The Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) (pronounced /ˈtɜːks ænd ˈkeɪkəs/) are a British Overseas Territory consisting of two groups of tropical islands in the West Indies, the larger Caicos Islands and the smaller Turks Islands known for tourism and as an offshore financial centre.

They are located southeast of the Bahamas, north of Hispaniola, and 914 kilometres (494 nautical miles) from Miami in the United States. The islands are geographically contiguous to the Bahamas, but are politically a separate entity, an autonomous part of the British Empire.

The islands have a total population of about 30,000, of whom approximately 22,500 live on Providenciales in the Caicos Islands. Cockburn Town, the capital, is situated on Grand Turk Island.

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